Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bumbershoot "performance" this Saturday

Just a quick note, this Saturday the group I work with (Modernist Cuisine) will be doing a "performance" on the Words & Ideas Stage from 1:45-2:45pm at the amazingly wonderful arts & music festival, Bumbershoot! And, if you attend the performance, you will most likely find me running around with a camera or two documenting the whole thing.

I will not be offended if you get there, realize Missy Higgins is performing, and don't show to go see her performance on the Bumbershoot the same exact time. GAH!!!!!
You don't even know how upset I am about this.
I have to complain for just a moment here.
Her first time through she performed in Seattle the day before I returned from a tour. The 2nd time, I had tickets, but somehow the date and venue was changed, but NO NOTIFICATIONS WERE SENT TO TICKET HOLDERS! And now she is back again, and I will be working the same festival, at the same time as she.


New Song...ish

As I've mentioned before, I recently (in the last 6 months) re-recorded a bunch of old songs. Some of which I've finished myself with drums and bass. A few, I have yet to get that far with. One day I was out to dinner with some family and friends and became acquainted with a guy named Joe Koster, who happens to be the drummer for the band Falling Blind. We got to talking about music naturally and I had mentioned these recordings. He was interested in hearing, and possibly jamming to them. I am always excited to collaborate with other musicians, so I went ahead and sent him some guitar tracks. Last night, I received an email back with one of the tracks, and think he did a pretty bang-up job on it, so I've decided to share it with everyone. Now, it still needs to get a bass in there, so keep that in mind. Still a little empty. And of course, it is still lacking vocals. Let me know what ya think!

Distorted Memories feat. Joe Koster on drums

This, along with 3 other tracks, can still be found at:

There will still be more to come! I have recently had to reformat my computer, but the OS is still ridiculously old. So, before I put too much effort into it, I need an upgrade.