Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Song...ish

As I've mentioned before, I recently (in the last 6 months) re-recorded a bunch of old songs. Some of which I've finished myself with drums and bass. A few, I have yet to get that far with. One day I was out to dinner with some family and friends and became acquainted with a guy named Joe Koster, who happens to be the drummer for the band Falling Blind. We got to talking about music naturally and I had mentioned these recordings. He was interested in hearing, and possibly jamming to them. I am always excited to collaborate with other musicians, so I went ahead and sent him some guitar tracks. Last night, I received an email back with one of the tracks, and think he did a pretty bang-up job on it, so I've decided to share it with everyone. Now, it still needs to get a bass in there, so keep that in mind. Still a little empty. And of course, it is still lacking vocals. Let me know what ya think!

Distorted Memories feat. Joe Koster on drums

This, along with 3 other tracks, can still be found at:

There will still be more to come! I have recently had to reformat my computer, but the OS is still ridiculously old. So, before I put too much effort into it, I need an upgrade.

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