Thursday, June 21, 2012

Phantom V. 12 high-speed camera fun

So, Wednesday I had the joy of being able to learn how to use a Phantom V12, high-speed camera. Well, that's not entirely true. I first was given instructions back in August of 2011, but wasn't allowed to actually trigger the video. Just write up notes and draw diagrams. That was that, and we haven't touched it since. Which is a shame, because it is pretty damn cool!
First off, let me say thanks to Scott (Seattle Food Geek and fellow Modernist Cuisine employee) for being such a team player!
Here is an example of how cool it can be. This is my first official high-speed recording.

© Modernist Cuisine/The Cooking Lab, LLC

All this action happened in, at most 1 second, and looked like a complete mess...which is was, but slowed down, I found it quite beautiful. Maybe not the facial expressions (understandable) but the movement and shine of the egg and it flows through the air. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Modernist Cuisine at Home now available!

It has been over a month since I mentioned anything on this, and a lot has happened. First off, I am happy to say that the project I have been blessed to be a small part of, Modernist Cuisine at Home, has now been made known and available for pre-order to the public! The official release date is October 8th, but if you want a go at a 1st printing, I would definitely suggest doing the pre-order.

You can pre-order Modernist Cuisine at Home at :

For those of you familiar with the epic feat that is Modernist Cuisine : The Art And Science Of Cooking, this is not just a condenced version. It is an all new 23 chapter, 456-page volume (which also includes a 230-page, waterproof Kitchen Manual)  book with more than 400 new recipes that cover a range of food, from hamburgers and wings to macaroni and cheese to custards and salads...the list goes on! And the recipes are only half of the book. It also covers all the essentials any cook needs to stock their modern kitchen, as well as how to master Modernist techniques.
This is a Modernist cookbook that is truely designed for the home cook.

For more information on Modernist Cuisine at Home you can check out the newly designed website

© Tyson Stole/Modernist Cuisine, LLC