Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The last 7 months...

For the last 7 months or so I have been working with a group called Modernist Cuisine, which is part of a much larger company consisting mostly of well....some of the smartest people around, called Intellectual Ventures, an inventions company (
 My primary job for MC is to create videos and photos for their blog ( as well as various presentations for head chef Maxime Bilet, and the companies founder and CEO, Nathan Myhrvold .
I decided to go ahead and start this here little blog to keep track of the various works I do for them as well as other clients, and as a general journal life. I tend to do a poor job at keeping up with things like this, but I will do my best.


For now, here are some of the videos I have done for the Modernist Cuisine blog. They are mostly "how to" videos of certain dishes they do. If you want to know more than I post about the group, feel free to check out there page.