Friday, October 12, 2012


For over a year now I have been working with the Modernist Cuisine group, taking photos and videos and neat, clean, and fancy foods. Though I do love the group I am working with and the work that I do with them, I've always been attracted to simple, "rustic" style photos. 
Since I began in the world of photography, editorial has always been in the lead as far as what I am most passionate about. Being in the moment as events unfold, and capturing that event that would otherwise have been lost to the world. However, having been immersed in the world of food, I have found a new love in that as well. Not so much in beautifully plated dishes, but in all the varying ingredients that go into those dishes.
So, I have decided to start a new series of photographs. Not for anyone else, but for myself. I want to show all the beauty and richness that I see in these simple things. I will post some here on this blog, as well as additional photos on my website. Currently these can be found under the "food" gallery. But As I start to build the portfolio up, it will probably turn into an "ingredients" portfolio, so I can separate it from the Modernist Cuisine blog photos that also happen to be in the "food" category.
If you have any thoughts, or opinions, I would love to hear them.

Thanks for taking the time to look at these. I have combined some of the vertical images that I think go well together.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Modernist Cuisine at Home - finally here!

Photo Credit : Chris Hoover/Modernist Cuisine/LLC

As I have mentioned before, I was blessed with the opportunity to work with the the Modernist Cuisine staff on their 2nd book (or 6th depending on how you want to look at it) Modernist Cuisine at Home. A book that was thought up, developed, cooked, photographed, edited, sent to print, and released in about 1 year! It was one heck of an undertaking! There were many people working day in and day out to get this project done. So come and have a look!

Modernist Cuisine info at :

Photo Credit : Melissa Lehuta/Modernist Cuisine/LLC

Modernist Cuisine at Home can be purchased at :

and half a dozen other shops, which can be found on the Modernist Cuisine shop page.

 Here are a couple of page layouts from the book.
Photo Credit : Tyson Stole/Modernist Cuisine/LLC

Photo Credit : Melissa Lehuta and Tyson Stole/Modernist Cuisine/LLC
 More info and photos from the photographers can be found on their personal websites.

Photo editor for the Modernist Cuisine books, as well as the lead photographer for Modernist Cuisine at Home : Melissa Lehuta

Photo editor and additional Modernist Cuisine at Home photographer :  Chris Hoover

And myself, as a freelance photographer for Modernist Cuisine at Home : Tyson Støle

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bumbershoot "performance" this Saturday

Just a quick note, this Saturday the group I work with (Modernist Cuisine) will be doing a "performance" on the Words & Ideas Stage from 1:45-2:45pm at the amazingly wonderful arts & music festival, Bumbershoot! And, if you attend the performance, you will most likely find me running around with a camera or two documenting the whole thing.

I will not be offended if you get there, realize Missy Higgins is performing, and don't show to go see her performance on the Bumbershoot the same exact time. GAH!!!!!
You don't even know how upset I am about this.
I have to complain for just a moment here.
Her first time through she performed in Seattle the day before I returned from a tour. The 2nd time, I had tickets, but somehow the date and venue was changed, but NO NOTIFICATIONS WERE SENT TO TICKET HOLDERS! And now she is back again, and I will be working the same festival, at the same time as she.


New Song...ish

As I've mentioned before, I recently (in the last 6 months) re-recorded a bunch of old songs. Some of which I've finished myself with drums and bass. A few, I have yet to get that far with. One day I was out to dinner with some family and friends and became acquainted with a guy named Joe Koster, who happens to be the drummer for the band Falling Blind. We got to talking about music naturally and I had mentioned these recordings. He was interested in hearing, and possibly jamming to them. I am always excited to collaborate with other musicians, so I went ahead and sent him some guitar tracks. Last night, I received an email back with one of the tracks, and think he did a pretty bang-up job on it, so I've decided to share it with everyone. Now, it still needs to get a bass in there, so keep that in mind. Still a little empty. And of course, it is still lacking vocals. Let me know what ya think!

Distorted Memories feat. Joe Koster on drums

This, along with 3 other tracks, can still be found at:

There will still be more to come! I have recently had to reformat my computer, but the OS is still ridiculously old. So, before I put too much effort into it, I need an upgrade.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The hole that was to become a pond - the beginnings

The beginning….
For the past few weeks I have been doing some landscaping in the back part of my folks property. It all started a couple of springs ago while walking around the yard, visiting with my mom when she showed me a tree that wasn’t doing too well.
“It’s getting far too wet in this spot. We need to dig it up and move it soon or it is going to die.”
My natural response was to grab a shovel and take care of it right then. So, I did.
After we moved the tree to a nearby spot that was at a high enough elevation that the water draining from the neighbors wasn’t keeping it soaked, I walked back to the hole. Or rather, HOLES. It took a few efforts of digging to find an area dry enough for the tree. They were full of water, right to the top edge of the hole.
Next idea.
In my brilliants I think, “Well wouldn’t this be a great place for a natural pond!” So here’s where it all began. I started digging…and digging….and digging. Armed with nothing more than a shovel, wheelbarrow, and with no plan or outline. No idea, really, as to what the hell I was doing at all. Just digging.
This went on for a while whenever I had free time, and while the weather permitted. Along the way I also planted a wonderful Sycamore Maple called Eskimo Sunset (Acer pseudoplatanus) nearby. Eventually it became too wet and cold to continue for the year. (The hole was, yes, full of water.) Then, as does happen, life became a bit busy and I forgot about my giant hole, not yet a pond, in the back part of my folk’s property. Eventually a tub was tossed in it that was pulled out of my grandparents place when we remodeled it, and weeds and grass overtook the area. My poor, poor pond-to-be had become about as trashy as can be. Eventually the tub was disposed of and the grass around it kept down for the­ most part. See, it had this pistachio-esk shape which made it difficult to cut the grass down with the riding lawnmower in the elbow of the hole. This brings us pretty well up to date on my “little” project.

The last few weeks…

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Phantom V. 12 high-speed camera fun

So, Wednesday I had the joy of being able to learn how to use a Phantom V12, high-speed camera. Well, that's not entirely true. I first was given instructions back in August of 2011, but wasn't allowed to actually trigger the video. Just write up notes and draw diagrams. That was that, and we haven't touched it since. Which is a shame, because it is pretty damn cool!
First off, let me say thanks to Scott (Seattle Food Geek and fellow Modernist Cuisine employee) for being such a team player!
Here is an example of how cool it can be. This is my first official high-speed recording.

© Modernist Cuisine/The Cooking Lab, LLC

All this action happened in, at most 1 second, and looked like a complete mess...which is was, but slowed down, I found it quite beautiful. Maybe not the facial expressions (understandable) but the movement and shine of the egg and it flows through the air. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Modernist Cuisine at Home now available!

It has been over a month since I mentioned anything on this, and a lot has happened. First off, I am happy to say that the project I have been blessed to be a small part of, Modernist Cuisine at Home, has now been made known and available for pre-order to the public! The official release date is October 8th, but if you want a go at a 1st printing, I would definitely suggest doing the pre-order.

You can pre-order Modernist Cuisine at Home at :

For those of you familiar with the epic feat that is Modernist Cuisine : The Art And Science Of Cooking, this is not just a condenced version. It is an all new 23 chapter, 456-page volume (which also includes a 230-page, waterproof Kitchen Manual)  book with more than 400 new recipes that cover a range of food, from hamburgers and wings to macaroni and cheese to custards and salads...the list goes on! And the recipes are only half of the book. It also covers all the essentials any cook needs to stock their modern kitchen, as well as how to master Modernist techniques.
This is a Modernist cookbook that is truely designed for the home cook.

For more information on Modernist Cuisine at Home you can check out the newly designed website

© Tyson Stole/Modernist Cuisine, LLC

Monday, May 7, 2012

picking up the pieces - a few instrumental songs

I had this idea for a long and drawn out rambling on my life playing music, which came long before my work as a photographer, but decided that should wait for another day. Instead, for now, I will just leave you with a couple links to some songs I've put together recently.
I wrote these songs years ago, but as it so often happened, that project ended before it really began. I felt that they were too important to me to just let die away, so i revisited, and recorded them so that I would never forget.
So, for now, here are 3 tracks for you to listen to.

picking up the pieces
civic responsibility
the exchange

Update : I noticed when I tried listening to one of the songs via the link, it cut off at the idea why. So, here is the link to the general soundcloud page.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Liquid Center Egg from Modernist Cuisine

Here's the newest "how to" video I put together this last week. It's a lovely dish the team at the Modernist Cuisine cooking lab conjured up just in time for this Easter....Unfortunately I didn't get it up here in time. Oh well.
It is still a fun and tasty dish for you to try!
For more tips, substitutions, etc. check out the MC blog at:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Few Tasty Treats

Thanksgiving Stew

So, I decided to go ahead and separate these videos out since there are 4 different videos that all go together to bring 1 dish together. A beautiful dish with many elements that I (as usual) was sadly unable to eat due to the fact that I'm a damn vegetarian....
kills me sometime when working with this group.
And yes, I know its a little late, but something you may, perhaps, want to try next year!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The last 7 months...

For the last 7 months or so I have been working with a group called Modernist Cuisine, which is part of a much larger company consisting mostly of well....some of the smartest people around, called Intellectual Ventures, an inventions company (
 My primary job for MC is to create videos and photos for their blog ( as well as various presentations for head chef Maxime Bilet, and the companies founder and CEO, Nathan Myhrvold .
I decided to go ahead and start this here little blog to keep track of the various works I do for them as well as other clients, and as a general journal life. I tend to do a poor job at keeping up with things like this, but I will do my best.


For now, here are some of the videos I have done for the Modernist Cuisine blog. They are mostly "how to" videos of certain dishes they do. If you want to know more than I post about the group, feel free to check out there page.